Untitled 16 (A5)

JFK Turner

Regular price £330.00
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JFK Turner's paintings are not abstract but observations from the everyday; from a screwed up piece of paper to a flap in a cardboard box, remnants of life.

Mixed media; household paint, varnish, wax and found materials on board

  • Dimension

    W 15 x H 21 cm

  • Materials

    Mixed media; household paint, varnish, wax and found materials on board

JFK Turner

JFK Turner concerns himself with the unnoticed ephemeral elements of everyday life. He studies found objects, marks, stains and the natural effects of time; things he finds and notices when out and about. His paintings are not abstract but based on something from the real world; from a screwed up piece of paper to a flap in a cardboard box, remnants of life.

An object taken out of its context and presented as a two dimensional form becomes ambiguous and works as a trigger for the imagination.